
Finding compassion in practice

September 17, 2019

By Jacqueline Caraway


Compassion does not always come easily if we are struggling with criticizing and comparing ourselves to others. No one person is the same. We are all unique beings created with the utmost preciseness that we then build upon to be the best versions of ourselves on this earth plane. 

We find compassion when we surrender the idea that there is a perfect way of practicing. Sometimes, I just sit on my mat and all I can muster is the lotus asana. Sometimes I just end up meditating in this pose and call it a day! And this is okay. I give myself permission! We find compassion when we allow some love in the areas of the body that needs it the most! Or sometimes it’s just still awareness that we need for a practice. And this is okay too.

Be the love and compassion that your body receives while in practice:)  

When we practiced during the Miss Uganda North America competition @UNAAorg, I had no expectations except that my audience would have an open mind! For most, it was our first time and for some of us that have practiced before, our bodies were reminded what it means to be connected, mind body and spirit! I could not have asked for a better audience to journey with in that moment. Each member was brilliant!!! And so when we learn, we keep practicing and share our knowledge of how important the art of Practicing yoga is with compassion:)


Pose: Virasana


Improves posture,

increases flexibilty in knees, ankles and thighs

with the flow of breathe, there is relief for asthma

📸 @i_am_kabugu